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每日一词∣创新驱动发展战略 innovation
发布时间:2023-09-21 17:02 来源:未知

  每日一词∣创新驱动发展战略 innovation




  在新科技带来的新机遇面前,每个国家都有平等发展权利。潮流来了,跟不上就会落后,就会被淘汰。我们能够做的和应该做的就是要抢抓机遇,加大创新投入,着力培育新的经济增长点,实现新旧动能转换。要全力推进结构性改革,消除一切不利于创新的体制机制障碍,充分激发创新潜能和市场活力。In the face of new opportunities brought by new science and technology, every country has an equal right to development. Those who fail to keep abreast of the trend of the times will fall behind and become irrelevant. What we can and should do is to seize opportunities, increase input in innovation, focus on creating new areas of growth and replace old growth drivers with new ones. We should endeavor to advance structural reform, remove all institutional barriers to innovation and fully unlock innovation potential and energize the market.——2018年7月25日,习近平在金砖国家工商论坛上的讲话


  大众创业、万众创新mass innovation and entrepreneurship campaign

  产品创新 product innovation

  人工智能开放创新平台 open and innovative artificial intelligence platforms