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反食品浪费法草案一审 以后下馆子点菜要注意了
发布时间:2023-09-21 17:00 来源:未知

  反食品浪费法草案一审 以后下馆子点菜要注意了

  Catering service providers may face a fine ranging from 1,000 yuan to 10,000 yuan if they encourage or mislead consumers into ordering excessive quantities of food which causes waste, and refuse to rectify the problem after being warned by market supervision departments, according to the draft law.草案规定,餐饮服务提供者诱导、误导消费者超量点餐造成明显浪费的,由市场监督管理部门给予警告,拒不改正的,处一千元以上一万元以下罚款。


  草案明确,食品浪费(food waste),是指对可安全食用或者饮用的食物未能按照其功能目的利用(failure to consume food that is safe to eat or drink in the way it is supposed to be consumed)。

  The draft law requires catering service providers to guide consumers to order food in accordance with their actual needs. Their menus should include more information and offer different dish sizes, it said.草案要求餐饮服务提供者引导消费者按需适量点餐,菜单应提供更多菜品信息及不同规格选择。

  Catering service providers can ask consumers who waste too much food to pay a fee based on the amount of their leftovers, it said.餐饮服务提供者可以根据剩菜量对消费者收取相应费用。


  这里的leftover用作名词,表示“剩饭菜”,如果用形容词形式来表示就是leftover food。其实leftover这个词来源于动词短语leave over,表示“遗留,留下(以后再用)”,比如:leave this pie over for tomorrow(这个派留着明天吃),换成被动语态就是we can have the pie left over from yesterday(我们可以吃昨天剩下的派)。

  The draft also clarifies the ban on making or broadcasting programs or videos related to excessive eating, noting that violators who refuse to correct the problem after being warned by cyberspace administrations will be fined from 10,000 yuan to 100,000 yuan.草案还明确,禁止制作、传播宣扬量大多吃、暴饮暴食等浪费食品的节目或者音视频信息。违反规定的,由管理部门责令整改,给予警告;拒不改正,处一万元以上十万元以下罚款。


  粮食安全 food security

  资源节约型社会 resource-conserving society

  低碳生活方式 low-carbon lifestyle

  套餐 set meals

  厨余垃圾 kitchen waste


  (中国日报网英语点津 Helen)