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2021年服贸会开幕在即 这些亮点值得关注
发布时间:2023-09-21 17:01 来源:未知

  2021年服贸会开幕在即 这些亮点值得关注

  2021年服贸会把握数字经济(digital economy)、碳达峰(carbon emission peaking)、碳中和(carbon neutrality)等全球热点趋势,突出服务开放合作促进世界经济复苏,主题为“数字开启未来,服务促进发展(Towards Digital Future and Service-Driven Development)”。围绕主题将举办全球服务贸易峰会(Global Trade in Services Summit)、论坛和会议、展览展示、推介洽谈(promotion and negotiation)、成果发布、边会6类活动。


  Apart from the traditional venue of the China National Convention Center, some CIFTIS events will take place in Shougang Park, a new city landmark, once a vacated industrial site in Shijingshan district,Beijing.除常规举办地点国家会议中心外,本届服贸会部分活动将安排在北京首钢园举行。首钢园位于北京市石景山区,曾经是一处空置的工业园区,如今是北京市的一个城市新地标。


  The China International Fair for Trade in Services (CIFTIS) will feature a special section for digital services for the first time, organizers said.组织方表示,本届服贸会将首次设置数字服务专区。

  Leading international and domestic digital services enterprises will make use of the section to showcase their latest technologies, achievements and applications, said the organizing committee.国内外领先的数字服务企业将在专区展示他们最新的技术、成果以及应用。


  The CIFTIS hosted 43 foreign financial institutions at the financial services exhibition in 2020, and this year saw the addition of 16 more. 2020年服贸会金融服务专题展有43家外国金融机构参展,今年的外国参展商数量增加了16家。

  A total of 143 financial institutions signed up for this years event, including 84 domestic firms. Foreign names include Morgan Stanley, Mastercard and DBS Bank.目前共有143家金融组织、机构、企业报名参加今年的服贸会,其中包括84家国内金融组织、机构、企业。国外参展方有摩根士丹利、万事达以及星展银行等。


  服务贸易 trade in services

  知识产权保护 intellectual property rights protection

  跨国公司 multinational company

  金融技术 financial technology

  维护国际产业链供应链安全 safeguard the security of international industrial and supply chains


  (中国日报网英语点津 Helen)